Sunday, February 21, 2010

After watching the second part of "Digital Nation" I'll have to be honest I was impressed with the hands on study. This is due to the fact that usually when people talk about technology its usually just some general opinion based on how they think technology is affecting today's youth. But in this video, it shows that some people actually realize that this is the generation that we grew up in. Technology like the internet is what we were exposed to since birth. Granted I personally was born a few years before the internet really blew up, I still consider myself very fluent in using it. That being said, in order to understand why it affects us so much one must first understand that its as much a norm for us as color tv was a norm for people who were born during that time.
I also enjoyed the talk about World of Warcraft. I'm a gamer, and I do play WoW from time to time. Personally I am more of a console gamer rather that a PC gamer but it is an addicting game. I dont play nearly as much as some of the people in the video do, but it was interesting to see how it really connects people. These people can talk to each other for years and never meet each other, but when they finally do its like they have been hanging out in person for that same amount of time. While im not as immersed I can certainly relate to them as far as being a fan of the game.

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